Written by Jessica Aragona May 2017 Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Las Vegas…where planetary activation is happening now! With the guidance of a Pleiadian incarnate, by the name of Starsinger and the Seven Voices Seals From Seven7Sisters Prophecy, people from across Las Vegas (myself included) have been experiencing a frequency acceleration; essentially, a rediscovering of how to access and uncover our greatest potential. As a Pleadian incarnate, Starsinger along with 144,000 future avatars, are here on earth to help us WAKE UP! The Stargate openings specifically, are designed to assist us in removing the block between the seventh and eighth chakras, which was placed on all of humanity long ago. Starsinger says, “Our planet is preparing for a new grid to be activated…It is time to awaken and align the body, mind and spirit so that we may achieve our FULL Potential.”Activate your inner heart magnet and find your star nature attraction. StarSinger says, “Humans have a natural attraction to the stars…The Stargate openings are an awakening of the internal memory bank: Through song, chanting, movement and meditation, you are creating or deepening the connection to your higher dimensional SELF.” We each have unique soul stories encoded in our DNA. During the Stargate openings, energy is transmuted into the physical body, which creates an activated state of frequency consciousness. This can occur as a subtle or sometimes not-so-subtle shift or change in perception. As a participant of the Stargate Opening events, I can say that it is a chance to widen the path to super consciousness. After each experience, I am able to notice more clarity and deeper understanding, both externally and within myself. Working with Starsinger and the Seven7Sisters seals is beyond human language. The remembrance on an ethereal level is transformative. In just the past few years, there has been a radical shift within my personal galactic center…a quantum shift even. I feel I have experienced an activation of my Divine internal crystalline operating system. To truly understand the effects of the stargate openings, on a personal level, is something you have to experience for yourself. The Stargate Openings offer participants the opportunity to remove the veil of the mundane and remember the future. Come experience the expansion, get elevated and charged up, all while learning how to use the sacred tools within you, to maintain higher vibrational consciousness.