The mission of seven7sisters is to bring together all voices into one united voice, moving towards the goal of ascended consciousness, using performance art and sonic healing as a vehicle for transcendence. For over 26 years Seven7sisters Prophecy has been assisting the activation of planetary change through Sacred Ceremonial performance. Seven7sisters is truly about the divine feminine principle, uniting woman to come together selflessly to use their creative powers to create massive positive change. The prophecy was transmitted through a vision to Starsinger on maui in 2001, The Elohim, the Kupuna of hawaii and the 7 sisters of the pleiades visited her and gave her specific instructions on how to anchor the frequencies on the earth through pillars of light and as people grew in these places the wisdom of this energy would grow within them and now 26 years later all the visions that starsinger was shown are starting to manifest all over the earth. Recently starsinger returned to maui and gathered a second part of the prophecy with kahuna Aunie Maile Shaw who carries the bloodline of the Mo'o Kahiko clan. Starsinger has been asked directly by Mo'o kihawahine to tell her story and to reveal the Kaona (hidden meaning) of the ancient dragon clan that came to earth at the time of Lumeria. E mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness"